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Friendly Reminders

1. If your submission is accepted as a thematic presentation, please prepare your oral presentation according to the following requirements

a)  PPT RequirementThe projection ratio for sub-forums is 4:3. Please download the PPT template here. Before the sub-forum begins, copy your PPT directly to the designated computer in the session room.

b) Presentation Requirement: Opening keynote speeches should be delivered in English, while closing and sub-forum presentations should be in Chinese. The duration of oral presentations varies by sessions, please check the conference website for updates.

2. If your submission is accepted as a poster presentation, please confirm your participaton by September 10 in the  “Personal Center” of thregistration system. Once confirmed, download the poster template, prepare your poster as required, and bring it to the venue for display

a) Download the poster template here.

b) For the poster presentationAfter receiveing the confirmation of your poster submission, please print the poster yourself and bring it to the venue for display as required. The poster size should be 0.9m (width) x 1.2m (height).

c) Information about the poster exhibition will be distributed along with the conference materials during registration. Please check the poster number and section, and set uyour poster on the exhibition board beween 13:00 and 20:00September 19th . Exhibition boards and adhesive materials will be provided on-site. Posters should be removed by the afternoon of September 22nd. Posters left after 18:00 will be handled according to the venue's regulations.

d) Ithe evening of September 20ththe “poster communication” event will be held in the lobby on the third floor of the Beijing International Convention Center. Please attend and introduce your poster. For more details, please refer to updates on the conference website.

e) If you have any question during the poster display, please contact the conference secretariat.

3. If you are unable to attend the conference for thematic presentations or poster display, please notify the conference secretariat via email ( by September 14. In your email, please include youpaper ID, abstract title and author’s name.